10 most Beautiful Waterfall in The World

Jumat, 12 Agustus 2011

The waterfall is a natural appearance that has its own charm, which is accompaniedby cross-section of water from above the water tupahan can sometimes lead to beamsunlight into a rainbow waterfall makes the iconic romantic nature. In this world there are many waterfalls are having an amazing natural beauty, but according to Listphobia site, there are 10 airterjun considered the 10 most beautiful waterfall in the world.
Here is a list of 10 most beautiful waterfalls in the world:

10. Steinsdalsfossen waterfall

9. McWay Falls

8. Alamere Falls

7. Burney Falls

6. Baatara Gorge Waterfall

5. Beaver Falls

4. High Force

3. Fulmer Falls

2. Silverthread Falls

1. Umpang Thee Lor Sue Waterfall

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