30 Perfection In Ramadan Fasting

Jumat, 12 Agustus 2011

  1. Eat a meal, thus helping your physical strength during fasting; Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam said: "Eat your sahurlah, actually in the dawn there is a blessing."HR." Al-Bukhari and Muslim) 
  2. "Help (your physical strength) to fast during the day with a meal, and for night prayers with nap" (Narrated by Ibn Khuzaimah in Shahihnya) 
  3. It would be better, if one meal is diakhirkan time, thereby reducing hunger and thirst.Only be careful, for it should have stopped you from eating and drinking a few minutes before dawn, so you do not hesitate. 
  4. Immediately break the fast if the sun really was sinking. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said: 
  5. "Humans are always in good, as long as they hasten to break and mengakhirkan meal. "(Narrated by al-Bukhari, I \ luslim and At-Tirmidz) 
  6. Try a shower of large hadats before dawn, in order to conduct worship in a state of purity. 
  7. Take advantage of Ramadan with the best thing that ever descended therein, that read Qur'anul Al-Karim. Indeed Gabriel 'alaihis greeting on every night during Ramadan has always met the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wasallam to recite the Qur'an for him. (Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim from Ibn Abbas radhiallahu 'anhu). And in the self Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wasallam there is a good example for us. 
  8. Keep lisanmu from lying, gossip, pitting, and mocks the words making it up. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said: 
  9. "Whoever does not abandon falsehood pevkataan and deeds Allaah has no need to fast from eating and drinking." (Narrated by Al-Bukhari) 
  10. Fasting should not make you out of habit. For example, quick to anger and emotions just as trivial because, under the pretext that you are fasting. In contrast, fasting should make your soul calm, not emotional. And if you tested it with an ignorant or a slanderer, do not you face him with a similar action. Advise and deny yourselves with a better way. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said: 
  11. "Fasting is a shield, if one day someone from the kama beupuasa, he should not say bad and shouting. When someone insults or mencacinya, he should say 'I am fasting "(Narrated by al-Bukhari, Muslim and the author of Sunan) 
  12. Should be more patience, gratitude, and upright 
  13. That remark dimaksudkanagar he refrained and did not serve the people who cursed In addition, also reminded that he refused to insult and scorn. 
  14. You should finish the fast with a pious to Allah, fear and gratitude to Him, and always committed and in His religion. Good results that should accompany you throughout the year. And the most important fruit of fasting is piety, because Allah says: "That you fear Him. "(Al-Baqarah: 183) 
  15. Take care of yourself from lust (desire), even though you are allowed. That for the purpose of fasting is reached, and break the lust of desire. Jabir bin Abdillah radhiallahu 'anhu said: "If you fast, too fast should your hearing, sight and lisanmu of lies and sins, leave hurting neighbors, and you should always stay calm on the day kama beupuasa do you also make same-day berbukamu the day you fast. " 
  16. Should be from a kosher meal. If you refrain from unlawful in other than Ramadan is the month of Ramadan more mainstream. And there is no point in you from a halal fast, but you break the fast with the haram. 
  17. Expand give alms and do good. And you should be better and do more good to the family than in other than Ramadan. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam is the person who Paring generous, and he is more generous when the month of Ramadan. 
  18. Say bismillah when you're breaking as he prayed: "O God, for You I fasted, and upon sustenance You I break the fast. O Allah accept it than me, Thou art the Hearer, the Knower "(44) (See Mulhaq (bonus) Magazine WaLul Al Islami Ramadan, 1390 H.hlm.38-40.) 
  19. Reproduce perform a variety of worship. Jibril'alaihis greetings Qur'anul always read Al-Karim for him during Ramadan; he also reproduce charity, benevolence, to read Al-Karim Qur'anul, prayers, dhikr, he specialized I'tikaf and even some kinds of worship during Ramadan , things that he did not do in other months. 
  20. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam hasten breaking and thus recommends, his meal and mengakhirkannya, as well as encouraging and inspiring others to do the same. He called for breaking the fast with dates, if not get it then with water. 
  21. Nabi'shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam forbade the fasting person from cruel words and insults. Instead he ordered that he told the people who mencacinya, "Actually I'm fasting." 
  22. If he traveled in the month of Ramadan, he sometimes went too fast and sometimes break. And let his companions or choose between breaking the fast while traveling.He sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam never get junub after dawn in a state of intercourse with his wife so he showered immediately after sunrise and remain abstinent. 
  23. Including the instructions of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam is the freeing of making up those' fasting for people who eat or drink since forgotten, and that it is God who gave him food and drink. 
  24. And in the authentic history mentioned that he bersiwak in a state of fasting. Imam Ahmad narrated that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam pour water over his head in a state of fasting. He also did istinsyaq (inhaling water into the nose) and rinse in a state of fasting. But he forbade people do istinsyaq excessively fast. (See the book Zaadul Ma'ad fi Hadyi Khairil 'Ibaad, I/320-338) 
  25. Disyari'atkan fasting is fasting limbs from sins, and fasting stomach from eating and mimum. As eating and drinking cancel and destroy the fast, so do the sins, he cut the reward of fasting and damage the fruit, thus positioning it in the position of people who are not fasting. 
  26. Therefore, people who truly fasting is the one who fasts all his limbs from committing sins; verbal fasted from lies, deceit and making it up; stomach fast from eating and drinking; cock fast from intercourse. 
  27. When he spoke, he did not speak to something that is tarnishing his fast, when doing a job he does not do something that damages his fast. Words that flow from them is always helpful and nice, as are his deeds. It is like the fragrance of musk oil, which is wafted by the people who hang out with a carrier oil. That metaphor (parable) associating with people who are fasting, he will benefit from associating with him, safe from the deceit, lies, crime and kezhaliman. 
  28. In a hadith narrated by Imam Ahmad stated: "And verily, tires (mouth) fasting person is more fragrant in the AIlah than musk oil fragrance. "(Narrated by At-Tirmidhi and he said, ghareeb saheeh hasan hadeeth). 
  29. This is the fasting that disyari'atkan. Not merely refrain from eating and drinking. In a refrain from eating and drinking ". Mentioned in the hadeeth: "Whoever does not abandon false speech and deed and the stupidity that God does not need to fast from eating and drinking. (Narrated by al-Bukhari, Ahmad and others) 
  30. In another hadith says: How many people fasting, part of his fast (only) hunger and thirst. "(Narrated by Ahmad, saheeh hasan hadeeth) (And he menshahihkan hadith.)

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