Mysterious boy purporting to be from Mars

Sabtu, 13 Agustus 2011

The boy claiming to be from Mars, recently, the American space probe and Europe in a row successfully landed on Mars, the goal is going to look for signs of life on the planet. 

According to the Truth Report Russia on March 12, 2004, stated that a 7-year-old boy in northern Russia claims to be from Mars, and even has an amazing innate talent and remarkable versatility. Borischa, thus the name of the boy from another planet were to travel that far and it is difficult to arrive at the area full of mystery. 

The newspaper reported that an eyewitness said, when it's on a quiet night, the people who camped sitting in front of a campfire chat. Suddenly, Borischa stood bowed, with a loud voice, aroused the attention of everyone, everyone with a feeling interested stare. Witnesses said: "Apparently, he intended to tell them about the lives of the people on the planet Mars, as well as their legendary experience flying towards the earth." In an instant, the location of the fire drowned in silence. 

And more fantastic of all, the boy was even alive to tell about the mysterious land Limoliya submerged beneath the sea in ancient legends of men. And according to the narrative of this boy, when he arrived on earth from Mars just landed there, and understand all the life there. 

Many people are surprised to find that mysterious boy has at least two characteristics.First, Borischa has extraordinary knowledge, intelligence level is obviously higher than a normal child her age. Limoliya is a mysterious land in the legend at least 800 thousand years ago, let alone children, even a university professor was impossible to know everything, and he in detail and to understand all the history, culture and the ancient inhabitants of this country. And the second characteristic that causes concern is that the boy has a delivery capability with language that makes people amazed. He mastered a wide range of vocational terms, understand the data correctly and carefully, even knowing clearly about the history of Earth and Mars. 

An eyewitness said, "I Manurut, when this kid talking about a personal memory of previous lives in us, not talking at random and baseless." 

According to reports, Borischa a mysterious birth at a hospital in remote rural small town in Russia on January 11, 1996. In the visible surface of his parents is quite simple, innocent and kind. His mother, Nadezhda is a good man, a dermatologist in a public hospital. While the boy's father is a retired army officer. 

Nadezhda recalled, after 15 days of birth, Borischa can already looked up. However, the amazing thing is when he is 1.5 years old can already read and understand the headline in the newspaper. And two years later, Borischa have extraordinary memory, as well as the ability to master new knowledge is unbelievable. Then, quickly the parents know that their child is in a unique way - from a mysterious place - get the information. 

Nadezhda look back and say: "No one ever taught him about these things, but sometimes he folded his legs and sat crossed, talking calmly and confidently about things that merawak rambang. He likes to talk about the planet Mars, planetary systems, and civilizations are very far away. We really do not dare to believe with our hearing. From the age of 2 years, every day he is like reading the scriptures talk about the universe, and other world stories of innumerable also about spaceboundless. " 

Since then, Borischa kept saying to his parents, that she used to live on Mars. At that time, there is a kind human being living on planet Mars, because there was a fatal catastrophe, a layer of atmosphere above the planet Mars completely gone, so people on the planet Mars was forced to live in underground cities. And since then, he often came out to trade and travel to earth with the aim of conducting research, and anyway he was just alone on a spaceship. 

According Borischa, that all this happened during the prosperous civilization Limoliya.At that time, he has a best friend in Limoliya, but his friend was killed in front of him.Borischa look back and say: "At that time, upon the earth there has been a catastrophe, an enormous land like a rain storm swallowed by the sea. Suddenly, a giant rock hit a building, and by chance my friend was there, I did not have time to save him. " With a live boy tells the whole scene Limoliya loss, as if it were yesterday. 

Borischa said that the shuttle them, almost in a flash has been completed on a trip since taking off from Mars to land on earth. Together, he issued a chalk and paint an object that is round on the board. He said: "Our spacecraft is made up of six layers, outer layers dominate 25%, is made of solid metal. Layer-2 to dominate 30%, made from materials that resemble rubber. Layer-3 to dominate 30%, also made and the last layer of metalc dominate only 4%, made from a special magnetism. If we fill the energy of the lining of this magnetism, then the spacecraft can fly to wherever in the universe. " 

With some serious Borischa also predict and said that in 2009 will occur the first time a major disaster in a land on earth, and the disaster is more devastating second time will again occur in 2013

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