Centralia City Gate of Hell

Jumat, 12 Agustus 2011

A small fire in Centralia (Pennsylvania) creep into the cave of coal beneath the city. In May 1962, Centralia Borough Council hired five members of volunteer fire clean up the city dump, which is located in an old quarry next to the Odd Fellows Cemetery.Cleaning should be done on Memorial Day in the year before, but in previous years landfills located in different locations.

The fire, which has been done in the past, burning garbage, let him temporarily, and put it out, that's what they think. Actually, these fires still occur in the lowest part of the garbage and spread through a hole into the abandoned coal mines beneath Centralia.All means to extinguish the fire were unsuccessful, and the fire continued to burnthroughout the 1960s and 1970s. Health impacts were reported on some residentsbecause of the carbon monoxide produced.

In 1979, local residents became concerned about the increasing problem when a gas station owner put the stick into one of underground oil tanks to check fuel high. As heput it, was hot, so he lowered a thermometer with a rope and was surprised thatgasoline in the tank temperature is 172 degrees Fahrenheit (77.8 ° C. Note the state of the fire began to increase, especially in 1981 when 12-year-old boy fell to ToddDomboski berlebar hole 4 feet deep as 150 feet (45 meters) that suddenly openedbeneath his feet.

He helped after the eldest brother pulled from the mouth of the hole before she sank.This incident brought national attention to Centralia as a group of investigators(including a board of state, a state senator, and a director of security) is conducting a tour to Domboski house when the incident occurred.

In 1984, Congress allocated more than $ 42 million for relocation. Most people accept the offer of compensation and move to the cities of Mount Caramel and Ashland. Currently, Centralia is the place left empty and seemed to be haunted. The fire was stillburning under the town and there is enough coal to feed the fire until almost 250 years.

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